Thursday, February 23, 2012

In the Heartland

Charlotte and I jetted to Indiana last week to see my Mom, and for Molly and I to make some decisions about her future care.

Since Charlotte would be missing a full week of school, Molly arranged for her to go to school every day with her cousin Reese, since they are both in kindergarten. Reese's sweet teachers welcomed Charlotte with open arms, creating a cubby, desk, and special supplies for her. That also meant she had the same schoolwork and homework as the other kids!

Since we usually have to be at our bus stop at 7:45 am, and in Indiana we didn't have to leave the house until 8:55 am, we had lots of time for early morning extra activities.

Like playing in the snow...

Curling hair in ringlets...

And making treats for the class Valentine's Day party...

Of course we spent every day with Mom, visiting in her room, eating at the dining hall, and going out for muffins and coffee at Panera. Molly and I also spent quite a bit of time at her facility meeting with her caretakers and the financial office to plan for her future, as well.

Molly managed to sneak in a CrossFit workout or two while the kids were in school.

Lastly, we were visited by the Paleo Princess one morning, sparkles on the face and all. Molly decided to put on her wedding dress, which she is about to pay forward, and pretend to be a princess for the girls. They were duly impressed!!

The trip was equally wonderful and challenging. Wonderful to spend more time with beloved family, but difficult to see my Mom suffering from Alzheimer's.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Where I've Been

Wrangling these two...

That's Charlotte and her cousin Reese, in case you don't recognize them with their Valentine lips and princess curls.

I just spent an exhausting, emotional week in Indiana with my sister and her family making some tough decisions regarding our mom, who has Alzheimer's. We spent a lot of time with her and her caretakers at the assisted living facility where she lives. She didn't really know who Charlotte or I were, but you could tell she was happy to have visitors nonetheless.

I'll update you all more on the visit once I have a chance to decompress. Until then, keep smiling!

Monday, February 6, 2012


Are you on Instagram? If you don't know what I'm talking about, then don't worry. It's an app that takes your photos and "retrofies" them. (I made that word up.) I enjoy taking pictures and sharing them, but don't have much patience for fiddling with effects to make them prettier. I decided to try out Instagram yesterday during some down time.

With Instagram, I can change the look of a photo with one click. It has several options for changing the lighting on your photo to mimic the lighting found in older, non-digital photos. There's even one called "1977," although I wonder why anyone would want to mimic that look.

Here are a few photos I pulled from my archives to test out some of the different looks. (Note: Russell took a few of these, so credit goes to him, too.) You may not notice a difference in some, but I've found it mostly darkens the background and makes the subject pop. {Honestly, I didn't have any super-artsy photos on my phone when I was fooling around, which seem to the be the type that suit this medium best.}

The Kids (in no particular order)



As an example, I took this of my friend Amy yesterday, cropped it, Instragrammed it, and voila! This took literally five seconds, on my phone. Not an amazing photo, but for a iPhone shot during a viewing of the Super Bowl eating chili, I thought it was pretty good!

Star Wars Revisited

Star Wars has certainly stood the test of time. I vividly remember going to the Barracks Road movie theater to see the original release in 1977, and having to leave in the middle because Molly got too scared. Dad did such a great Jabba the Hut impression at the dinner table!

I even remember seeing the re-release in theaters when I lived in Washington, D.C., sometime in the late 1990's.

Here in the 21st century, Anson had Star Wars bedding until he got "too old" for it.

Something I suspect he'll never grow out of is his love of Legos. Check out his latest creation, the Millennium Falcon, captained by Han Solo.

Here's good old Han Solo at the controls.

 A Star Wars scene isn't complete without a light saber fight.

Note Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, and Chewbacca watching the action.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Super Bowl Preview

Since this year's Super Bowl will take place in Indianapolis, Molly and her family have been participating in lots of pre-bowl activities (they live in a suburb of Indy).

Check out my niece Reese on the cover of the Lebanon Reporter!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Library

When we decided to renovate our house, we knew we had a LOT of books. We originally called this room (formerly the living room), The Library, because we planned to put in wall-to-wall bookshelves. In the end, we designed it more as a comfy getaway spot (kids free), where Russell or I could watch TV or read a book while the kids went crazy in the family room. The family room ended up with huge built-ins, which house about half of our books, while the other half reside in this room.

We still call it The Library, and guests get confused, as there are probably more books in the family room. I suppose it sounds awfully pretentious, but it's just stuck. We knew we didn't want a formal living room, and having a name that was not "living room" made it easier on the contractors to differentiate them.

My favorite part of the room is the swively, sink-in-ness of these chairs and a leather ottoman to put your feet up on (you can even see the heel imprint). Once I sit in one of these chairs, I can't get up. They are probably the craziest and most luxurious pieces of furniture in our house, and I love them.

Here is a view looking out into the foyer and the front door. I love the glass-paned pocket door because it keeps out noise but lets light in.

This chest holds our board games. The tray on the right is for the ottoman if we need it.

This is the wall of fun...huge TV and the rest of the books. If you look at the reflection in the TV, you can see me taking the picture. That's because I still have not bought any sort of window treatment for the window opposite it. Kind of makes watching TV difficult. Yes, Russell, it's been six years and I PROMISE to get around to that task this year.

This is our famous fireplace. Famous because it is one of the few original parts of the house.

A library is not complete without our beloved University of Virginia Jefferson chair. It suits this room, doesn't it?

To continue the Jefferson theme, here is the beautiful Jefferson writing box that Philip made for us. Sitting on top is a piece of art by Fred Saunders. He is a local artist from whom I bought a painting a while back. When I sent him a check for it, he mailed this back to me with a thank you note. This scene is actually painted on notebook paper and I framed it.

Finally, a view into the room from the front hall. You can see in the distance that the room leads into Russell's office. (I don't know why the rug looks striped, it's not.)

Hmm...maybe I'll make a cup of tea and take a break from this rigorous blog-writing?

P.S. For anyone who remembers our house before, this was the large living room you walked into straight from the front door. We split that room into two...this room and the front hall that now houses the stairs to the upper level. We did not have a front hall or stairs before. And the door to what is now Russell's office went into a large converted side porch that was a combo playroom, office, and laundry room.