Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hairs Cut

Do you know this old joke?

"Did you get your haircut?"


"No you didn't, you got yours HAIRS cut!"

Well it could not have been more appropriate last week.

*Disclaimer: "Before" photo hairdo crazified for effect.

Almost Home

Charlotte comes home to us on Friday. These past two weeks I have missed her more than ever. Her photo has not cropped up as much on the website, although we were lucky enough to receive several in depth letters from her.

Such as the first one I so eagerly ripped open:

To: Mom & Dad
Love: Charlotte

I am having so much fun!
I got stung by a bee.

Let's just say that this letter was the one with the most detail. We have received many since, all of which say, "I am having so much fun" with varying degrees of exclamation points and messy handwriting. Sometimes we get an "I love you" or "I miss you." I guess I'm just glad that her letters are positive, if not wordy.

Here are the shots from the web site over the past few weeks.

Glad she's wearing her rash guard, though who knows about the sunscreen.

More arts and crafts, no surprise there.

Sailing, cool! That's her in the back.

Celebrating Independence Day with her cabinmates looks like fun! Though Charlotte seems to have missed the "red, white, and blue" memo.

Heading out for the long cruise, where they take a large ferry to the (real) beach and camp there. I can see she got the temporary tattoos I sent in a letter. She went right for the face, which I never allow at home. :)

Just chillin' with her mates.

Riflery practice. Can't tell how she did, but she looks proud.

Here she is channeling her inner Katniss.

Just two more days until we see her!