Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January: The It Month

To start, I want to say happy birthday to...

And thanks for the patience and understanding if I did not get birthday greetings out to you!  December and January have been a whirlwind of events, and primarily sickness, in the Ford household.  I figure we are due for at least six months of health around here.

So much has happened since I last blogged, so here are a few updates.

Charlotte asked if I would take her to the Plaza in NYC for her birthday. Not exactly feasible (for many reasons!), but we could have a pampered day. We started her birthday with a pedicure and manicure, pink sparkles for the fingers and blue sparkles for the toes.

Any respectable nail polishing must be shown off, so we followed that up with lunch at The Umstead Hotel. It's Raleigh's only "luxury" hotel, and as we were about the only ones there on a Monday at 11 am, we got the star treatment!

Can you believe that little diva is only 5? We had such a lovely, grown-up day. Love you, Charlotte!

Our next adventure was more age-appropriate. We had dinner at Mellow Mushroom, a pizza joint, with Emma and Anson. Russell had to work so we had celebrated with him the day before. Again, the restaurant just loves a cute little face on someone's birthday, and surprised us with this cinnamon pretzel made especially for Charlotte.

Next I trekked to the lake house with the kids and their friends. I was still quite under the weather, and ended up realizing later that I probably already had the flu at that point. Despite that, I had a wonderful time.

Winter is beautiful at the lake. I woke up to this view and a light dusting of snow. Something about the light at this time of year is amazing.

Sally and Philip helped one night to get some jobs done, and I was on my own the next day. I had promised to take the kids out on the boat, but when it started to snow again (as it had the night before), I thought for sure I had an out. But no such luck!

So we bundled ourselves up, and set out on the water with the temperature in the 20s F. Anson's friend Lee (who looks like he might actually be prepared for the Arctic) was the only one who had fun. The rest of the crew ended up flat on the bottom of the boat to escape from the wind, and was sure I was crazy for taking them out. All I could think of was that I had turned into my father-in-law. :)

But the real fun started the next morning, when the kids realized the lake was frozen. A morning of throwing sticks on the ice and trying to punch holes in it was worth all the cold weather.

Let's see, what else happened? Oh yes, the school spelling bee. I've not been to anything that nerve-wracking in a long time. It was a true Scripps National Spelling Bee. Anson and all the kids sat up on stage and spoke into a microphone. There were twenty kids total, representing the 3rd, 4th and 5th grades. Anson missed the word "infinity" by spelling it "infinite." He was a bit bummed at first, but I think within a few minutes you could see the relief wash over his face as he watched the other children continue. Seriously, can you imagine a person with a very North Carolina accent trying to pronounce and then spell "ululate"? (Do any of you even know what that means?) For some reason, that is the only word I remember, but there were many I had never heard of and that were more than 3-4 syllables.

We are so proud of Anson for winning his class bee and getting up on stage as the youngest person there!

Now this is more like it. Anson the Caniac with his rally cap and strange monkey he got in the hockey gift shop.

Lastly, Charlotte and I watched the Golden Globes pre-show red carpet walk, and she decided she had to get in on the act. Witness the Charlotte look (she's showing off her jewelry and updo that are difficult to see in this picture and wearing my cocktail dress, pinned in the back, and my shoes).

Well, that caps off the month of January. Coming up update on Barbie!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Mind the Gap

I'm a little behind on posts.  Lots of pictures piling up in iPhoto to share, but between holidays, birthdays, surgery, stomach bugs, fevers, sinus infections, and flus, we are way behind on everything at Casa Ford. Including laundry.

Be back soon.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Across the Pond

I received these absolutely adorable photos of Jake and Ollie today, taken at Christmastime at their nursery (Jake is the older one, Ollie's the youngin'). I wish I could give them a virtual hug!

Jan and Colin also sent a photo from their Christmas lunch, taken in Cornwall at Julia's parents' home. Julia's Mum, Sue, is sorting out the turkey and then going clockwise we have Alex, Julia's brother, Simon, the boys (hidden), Julia, Jan, Colin, Laurence (Julia's Dad) and Great Grandma (94 yrs) - the photo was taken by Kristina, Julia's sister. 

For those on the American side of the family, here is the family tree explanation:
Colin is my father-in-law's (Philip's) brother, or Russell's uncle. Jan is his wife.
Simon is their son, Julia his wife, and Jake and Ollie his sons.
We are so lucky to be able to know them all!

Last, but not least, I received a photo of my mother's family in Hungary (mom's dad was Hungarian and these are from his part of the family tree). In the picture left to right: Emi, the grandma, and her grandchildren: Andrea (20), Flora (17), Ernoe (16), and in front, Anna (6), at a dance for Flora's final examination in her secondary school. 

What beautiful families Russell and I have! Who would have thought that we would have such a diverse and interesting history? I really enjoy seeing photos of the family, so if you ever want to send me some for the blog, please do!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Charlotte's Pre-Birthday Birthday

Charlotte's pre-birthday birthday would be the celebration we had today, as opposed to the birthday day-of celebration, which will be tomorrow, and the post-birthday birthday, which will be Wednesday. What, may you ask, am I talking about?

Since Anson has school and Russell has work and a meeting tomorrow night, which is Charlotte's actual 5th birthday, we decided to celebrate as a family today. This included opening all the presents, a movie out (Gulliver's Travels), and dinner at our favorite Chinese restaurant, Red Dragon.

Tomorrow Charlotte and I will do some girly birthday things, and Wednesday is her official party, partnered with a friend in her class whose birthday is also this week. When did birthdays start becoming birthday weeks? I don't know, but it sure is fun!

We opened presents first thing in the morning...

And then we headed to the movies. Afterwards we had dinner, and Anson and Charlotte love the teriyaki appetizer. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fire. Can you see that Charlotte's Shirley Temple has about eight cherries in it?

Charlotte snuggles up on the couch to watch football with Dad after a long day of celebrating. Have to rest up for tomorrow!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Some people don't like them, but I do. I like the idea that I can start with a fresh slate, no matter how illogical that is.

The kids have made some resolutions for 2011.


1.  Stop sucking her thumb (she's not too keen on this one).
2.  Be nice to people and polite.
3.  Learn to read.


1.  Try new vegetables and foods.
2.  Make progress on his DS games (those are hand-held video games).
3.  Jump the wake on his wakeboard.

These resolutions were actually theirs, not ones we fed them. Although I admit Santa had a little help with encouraging the thumb sucking one.

I have a few, and they tend to be variations on some of the same themes each year.

1.  Have more fun with the kids.
2.  Declutter the house and my life.
3.  Continue with the blog, even if only a few people read it!

Although I thought I'd be posting constantly, taking cool photos and sharing, and coming up with cute themes, etc., I realized that I don't have that much time on my hands. But I like thinking about what I'd like to share, even if it never gets up here. It makes me stop and contemplate how my day is going, what I'm doing with the family, and so on. So I'm going to try to keep posting and not worry much about what it is, just share what I can. Some posts will be entertaining, and some boring, but that's life, isn't it?

Lastly, I wish you all the best health and happiness for the new year!

P.S. Anson wanted me to share this photo of him with his new legos from Christmas. I realized that I'm feeling pressure to take lots of photos to include on the blog, but sometimes just being in the moment and not capturing it is really more fun. But Anson is always wanting me to document his lego creations, as he tends to then take them apart and try something new.