Saturday, June 6, 2015

Duke TIP and Other Happenings

Anson is in seventh grade, and was recently invited to apply for Duke University's seventh grade talent search (Duke TIP). Basically, kids who scored exceptionally high on standardized tests were eligible, and then the school nominated them from there. To participate, he had to take either the ACT or SAT college entrance exam, and based on his scores, he would be put into a particular program. The program offers extra-curricular classes, experiences, and summer camps.

Anson scored well and was invited to the state awards ceremony. We are so proud of him! (What's a blog for if not to show off your kids, right?).

Not that he's jumping at the chance to take classes outside of school, though. Wink, wink.

In other unrelated news, the kids are actually getting along. AND, they won't need braces. A win/win for this Mama!

Charlotte and I walked to school the other day (about 2 miles, so not a daily occurrence). This was my view, as I could not keep up with her.

We finally made it to the lake! The water was too cold for us adults, but it didn't stop the kids.

Even Emma got in on the action. She really did kayak by the way, not just lounge!

Despite all of the exciting outdoor opportunities, some pre-teens just can't disengage for the ENTIRE weekend.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Life Lately

Just a smattering of photos to show you what we have been up to lately, and how the kids are growing like weeds!

Speaking of, that's Anson below on the far right in red at a friend's birthday dinner. (He's almost as tall as me.)

We went out to dinner the other night, for no reason, so I decided to snap a selfie with Charlotte and get a shot of my boys.

Lake time has started.

We went to a great outdoor concert the other night to support our friends who are in the band. Can you tell they are all dads? Their main fans looked to be in the 6-12 year old range.

More time at the lake. Here we stopped at the local marina/cafe for some ice cream and beverages.

Russell and I were lucky enough to attend an amazing dinner party put on by some friends. We all brought dishes and drinks, and our own plates, and she took care of the rest. There were about 175 people there! Kids were our servers and were not shy about hinting for tips.

Lastly, a cute shot of Charlotte. She's 9 now and about to finish 3rd grade. I'm finally starting to see a little of her in me.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

On Repeat

It's been so long since I blogged that I am about to blog about the same thing I did two posts ago, except it's a year later. Oops.

As you know by now, Charlotte is my fashionista. In fact, she got a "red carpet" from Santa this year. It even lights up!

So while my friend and I watched the celebs walking the red carpet for the Golden Globes, Charlotte and her friend strutted their stuff again on her new carpet. I let her rummage through my shoes and jewelry, which she probably wears for playing more than I wear for real.

The theme was of course "fancy," since we were watching an awards show. But you'll see a few regular outfits made the cut. I think if we had time, she would have come out in her sport shorts and cleats.

Note the first one is the same dress (my old prom dress) that she wore last year.

I must say I'm partial to this last one, probably because it looks like something I'd wear! It is my sweater, necklace, and shoes after all.

And in case you were thinking, "How did she grow up so quickly?" Anson went for his 12-year-old checkup today and has grown 4.5 inches in the past year. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hi There Strangers

Remember me?

I'm here to share a few pictures from the latter part of 2014. I suppose this year I put down the camera and just lived in the moment more than usual. It's nice to do that, and not worry about getting shots of everything. Plus, the kids are just old enough now that they don't want their pictures taken!

This Thanksgiving we went to Suffolk and shared Thanksgiving with Sally, Philip, and the Norcross family at their house. As usual, it was a beautiful setup with family and good friends.

Charlotte and I posed for a few pictures...

She's a huge fan of mashed potatoes, so wasted no time loading up her plate.

There were so many of us that we had to split up between three tables. You found your dinner partner by matching up your half of a postcard with another. I got Anson!

The view out the back of the Norcross house was beautiful.

And before we knew it, it was time for Christmas.

Can you tell Charlotte isn't as camera shy as Anson these days? She put the start on the top of our tree, and helped me make a Christmas joke advent calendar for some friends.

I'm in charge of a program at Charlotte's school that helps families in need, and she helped me set up our school Angel tree.

Did I say Anson was camera shy now? I did capture this shot of him and a friend ordering burgers at the local diner. He's the one on the left.

 A selfie of me, about all I could find from the holidays!

Charlotte joined the school chorus and they performed a holiday concert. That's her in the middle with the blonde hair and the big grin.

Silly with a friend...


She's also taking dance, and here she is with her holiday dance outfit on. (The last class before the holidays they could wear something fun.)

We did some decorating around here.

 And some cooking. It's those mashed potatoes again!

 Charlotte's best friend on the street, Kathryn, came by for some Christmas Eve "cocktails."

I just didn't take ANY photos at Christmas otherwise but these two. One of Anson surrounded by discarded wrappings...

...and one of Charlotte with a new gift. She loves dressing up, so Santa brought her a light-up red carpet. Here she's showing us her supermodel pose. She IS wearing makeup for fun; don't worry, I don't let her out of the house with it!

We caught a Carolina Hurricanes game as a family. Anson thought I was totally weird and embarrassing for trying to take a family selfie.

And then, it was time to wind down and take a breather, before New Year's and Charlotte's birthday!