Saturday, June 22, 2013

Update on Charlotte - Week 1

Charlotte's camp has a place where parents can see photos taken around camp each day. I scan them eagerly each day to see if I can catch a glimpse of Charlotte. This is what I've found for the first week.

Here is the official CAMP 1 photo, which includes the campers and counselors from Charlotte's cabin and the one next door. Charlotte is just to the right in the front row, with the bottom of her blue flip flops showing.

Looks like Charlotte has had an opportunity to go kneeboarding, one of her favorite things. No doubt she was happy to tell them all about how "experienced" she is!

Although I haven't seen a shot of her on a boat, I'm guessing this is what she's about to do in the photo below. You only see girls with this type of life jacket if they are sailing. Something new for her!

These are the girls from her cabin. Charlotte is front and center again (in blue ruffle suit), as usual!

Arts and crafts are always one of her favorite things to do. Looks like some necklace making below? I think they may be using shark teeth as pendants. There's a special pit where the kids can sift for them. Of course, the first thing I thought was, why is she wearing that dress as a coverup? It's a nice one and supposed to be for wearing to the weekly dance. Sigh.

{That's her friend Anna on the right, one of the MANY other blondes. I swear, I am having to look so closely to recognize my own daughter in half the pictures.}

Looks like a party, and Charlotte loves nothing more than a little face paint.

Wearing her nightgown, posing in the light of the evening sun, Charlotte is hugging up with a new friend and a counselor. Makes me smile!

That white band around her neck designates her swimming level and where and how she is allowed to swim. My friend works for the camp and was down there this week and saw Charlotte. She said Charlotte was SO proud of doing well on the swim test to get the white band, which I imagine is a good thing. Go Charlotte!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Off to Camp - PART 2

Although Charlotte has been at camp almost a week, Anson is already home. We dropped him off at UNC Tennis Camp on Sunday, and picked him up yesterday afternoon.

Needless to say, he worked hard and played hard. I tried to talk to him about his experience in the car on the way home, but his words were slurred and his eyes were glassy. This is what he looked like within 10 minutes of driving toward home.

Anson's camp was pretty small, and all of the kids were housed on the fifth floor of a high rise dorm right on Franklin Street, the heart of UNC nightlife. (For you Wahoos, that's like living right on the Corner.)

Remember Charlotte's beautiful view from her cabin of the water? Anson had a view of water, too, but his was turquoise, square, full of chlorine, and surrounded by college girls in bikinis soaking up the sun. Not bad.

Dorm living had its other advantages. They had a room to themselves, air conditioning, real beds, and lights out at 10:30 pm (around these parts Anson has to be in bed at 8:30 pm). Apparently they could also order pizza, cavort around town with the counselors, and drink soda from the dining hall at every meal.

Anson shared a room with two friends, and they shared one toilet and shower with two other boys. Let's just say that sorting through the laundry last night was an adventure. Especially since all three boys said they each took two showers total. The. Whole. Week. After playing six hours a day of tennis in the sun. Enough said.

But on to the actual camp. Anson is getting interested in tennis, and this was a great way to give him a leg up. He played with former pros and coaches at UNC all week, honing his skills and learning good sportsmanship. We parents were able to watch the kids play in a quick round robin when we came to pick them up.

The kids worked their skills and played matches every day, with a few breaks and evening entertainment, including bowling, movies, an arcade, and going out to eat.

All in all, this camp for Anson was short, but sweet. He loved the little bit of independence, and made new friends of all ages. He learned how to work hard, and felt comfortable being away from home and sharing a room with others. And he loved getting a taste of what a college campus is like. Maybe a little too much. I'm afraid I might have a tarheel fan in our midst.

Next week he does a few days of wakeboarding camp at the lake, and then basketball day camp mid-summer. Late summer he heads to Camp Seafarer's brother camp, Camp Sea Gull. For now, he's showered and in bed. I hope he sleeps until noon.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off to Camp They Go - PART 1

Yesterday was a day of celebrations. It was Father's Day, Russell's birthday, and the day we dropped both kids off at camp! Yes, for parents, that is a celebration of sorts. Don't get me wrong, I honestly miss them already, but all of this...quiet. This silence. This free time. Wow.

Arapahoe, NC

Charlotte's camp is run by the YMCA here in Raleigh, and is one of the most popular summer camps in the country. She has been there before on trips with her dad through the Y's Guides/Princesses program, but this is her first time as an official camper.

The camp is a three-hour drive away, and check-in started at 9 AM. So what do we do? We head out about 5:30 AM. I mean, if you are going to be in a bunk for 4 weeks, you might as well do all you can to claim a good one, right?

As as result, we were about 6 or 7 in line to enter camp (we arrived a bit early, big surprise).

Charlotte jumped out and asked me to take a pic to send Daddy (who was taking Anson to camp somewhere else). I'M HERE!

After check-in, which included lots of forms and a "head massage" (lice check), we were off to Cabin #1. Prime real estate, let me tell you. Look at that view of the Neuse River!

All of Charlotte's belongings for a month had to fit into this (very) rustic locker.

So, after telling you we were practically first in line (out of 500 campers), and first to her cabin, do you think she chose a good bunk? Well, we arrived to find that bunks are assigned, unlike her camp last year, so we could have SLEPT IN LATE!

Before long, her buddy Anna showed up. Anna went to preschool with Charlotte and now lives in Wilmington, NC, so this was a great opportunity for them to meet up again (they did Camp Kanata together last year, too). They are two of the most independent spirits I know!

While Anna's parents unpacked her, I followed the girls down to the water.

By now, Charlotte was ready to kick me to the curb. "Moooom, what are you still doing here?" I wanted to stay for the parents' lunch and boat ride, which started at 11. So we hung out on her bed for a awhile.

Finally it was time to hit the mess hall for lunch. Charlotte could barely eat anything she was so excited (plus anxious to get rid of me). She wouldn't even consider dealing with the boat ride. "Really? You ride in boats all the time. Aren't you ready to go?"

One last pic on the walk back to the cabin of the "pool," water slides, and zip line in the background.

Bye, Mom, I love you, but it's time for you to LEAVE.

Saw this on my way home. This girl's family was in her cabin. Reminded me of the cool experience she is going to have meeting girls from all over the country. Granted, there is a HUGE North Carolina population at this camp, but in her cabin alone, I met girls from Georgia, Arizona, and California.

Charlotte is 7 and going away to camp for 4 weeks. It's an old school philosophy there, with contact allowed only through letters--no care packages or phone calls or iAnythings. Charlotte begged for this long session, and will thrive in that environment.  But it's only been 24 hours and already I miss her big smile, impromptu dance routines, and sweet voice singing in the shower.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Movin' on Up

Friday marked a milestone in Anson's academic career, his graduation from elementary school. Although I recall no more celebration than some lemonade, cookies, and loud music during centers at the end of my 5th grade year, Anson's school does it up right.

In addition to the various activities (pizza parties, yearbook signings, talent shows, and lots of tests) leading up to Friday's graduation ceremony, we had a nice dinner out on Thursday with the grandparents.

Friday morning, I made Anson pose for the requisite photos. He picked out his outfit carefully, especially styling it with pushed up sleeves.

{Sally was there, too, but we didn't get a clear picture. Sorry about the closed eyes, Papa.}

And then we drove off to school and waited for the festivities to begin. Before the 162(!)  fifth graders entered the gym, they walked down all the school's halls while the K-4 kids clapped and whistled for them. They all entered with big smiles.

Anson ended up in the first row. Painful when listening to the keynote speakers, I imagine, and he missed out on all of the amazing people watching.

Russell met us at the ceremony straight from work, so he missed the early morning photo shoot, but he hung out with Anson at the "after party" in his classroom.

Oh, the preppy outfits galore...

 All for this!

We are so proud of Anson's character and his academic accomplishments throughout his elementary school years, especially because of his age. Most of you know, but Anson began kindergarten at age 4, which is pretty unusual. We just knew he was ready. Other kids start at 5 or 6. So he has always been anywhere from 6 months to 2 years younger than the peers in his grade, while still being placed in the highest academic levels and maintaining a great level of maturity among kids who were older and taller.

The good news is that within minutes of taking those classroom pictures, the ties got torn off and the kids changed into play clothes. They spent the rest of the day "partying" to a carnival theme (think bouncy castles, cotton candy, popcorn, and games). Well deserved!

I couldn't finish this up without also saying how proud we are of Charlotte's 1st grade year. She has grown by leaps and bounds in her creativity, reading skills, and maturity. I loved being a part of her end-of-the-year picnic, and when we sat down on her blanket, so many of her classmates came up and asked if they could sit next to her.

That's Charlotte in the back with the purple visor and blue shirt holding up two fingers on each hand (that's because they are now officially 2nd graders). In case you were wondering, there was a little face painting going on that day.

Speaking of mustaches, Anson went to an open house for middle school a few months ago. His first response was: "This is so weird. I mean, some of these people have mustaches!" Yep, my 10-year-old will be starting middle school in the fall with 6th, 7th, and 8th graders, some of whom have mustaches. Sigh. Just wait until you start high school, buddy. I know I can.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Scenes from Spring

This time of year always gets away from me. The kids are about to finish school for the year, and that's when school activities and events pile up.

Here are some scenes from around Raleigh and the lake house to show you what we've been up to this spring.

Anson worked very hard on this diorama project for school. It's a "temperate deciduous forest" biome...

Charlotte's Mother's Day Tea play for me and the other moms in her classroom...

Anson and some buddies at a birthday party...

Mother's Day breakfast at the lake...

Trying out the new slack line at the lake...

Charlotte's soccer team picture - they did great this year (maybe not in the posing well for pictures category, but in the playing well category)...

I chaperoned the fifth grade field trip to the North Carolina aquarium on the southern shores. Let's just say it was an adventure (the second pic is the group I was in charge of)...

We went to a downtown arts festival and rode around in a few rickshaws, played games, made some art, and saw a concert...

Russell and I painted the kitchen cabinets at the lake ("after" pictures to come later this summer). NOT a fun task...

The lake slightly flooded, and the water lapped over the bulkhead...

It was cold enough Memorial Day weekend to have a fire and turn on the heat...

But ahhhhhh, it finally warmed up...

Charlotte and I killed some time doing nail art. She calls this "fireworks"...

The kids enjoyed a ginormous water slide at a friend's party...

I enjoyed the beautiful flowers on our back deck, thanks to Russell...

Lastly, Russell was able to leave work for a bit (NOT an easy task for him) to join Charlotte at school for "Doughnuts for Dads," an early morning celebration of dads since they usually don't get as much attention at school as the moms (since Father's Day is during summer break)...

Up next for the kiddos this week: field day and fifth grade graduation. Then, it's SUMMER BREAK!!!!