Sunday, January 2, 2011

Charlotte's Pre-Birthday Birthday

Charlotte's pre-birthday birthday would be the celebration we had today, as opposed to the birthday day-of celebration, which will be tomorrow, and the post-birthday birthday, which will be Wednesday. What, may you ask, am I talking about?

Since Anson has school and Russell has work and a meeting tomorrow night, which is Charlotte's actual 5th birthday, we decided to celebrate as a family today. This included opening all the presents, a movie out (Gulliver's Travels), and dinner at our favorite Chinese restaurant, Red Dragon.

Tomorrow Charlotte and I will do some girly birthday things, and Wednesday is her official party, partnered with a friend in her class whose birthday is also this week. When did birthdays start becoming birthday weeks? I don't know, but it sure is fun!

We opened presents first thing in the morning...

And then we headed to the movies. Afterwards we had dinner, and Anson and Charlotte love the teriyaki appetizer. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fire. Can you see that Charlotte's Shirley Temple has about eight cherries in it?

Charlotte snuggles up on the couch to watch football with Dad after a long day of celebrating. Have to rest up for tomorrow!

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