Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Another Piece of Pi

Anson was asked to perform his recitation of Pi on the elementary school daily news. They broadcast it into each classroom every morning.

Here is a sneak peek into the back library room where they do the filming. They are starting off with the requisite pledge of allegiance. Note the laughing kid with the basketball; who is he? The laugh track? The lady in pink is Anson's teacher who encouraged him to do this.

I decided not to record him live, as I thought it might just be added stress, so I recorded the TV in the office instead. As as result, there is absolutely no sound in the video clip. It was loud and clear as day in person, but did not translate to the iPhone video. Sorry! (Note: you've already heard Anson recite Pi, and the only thing you are missing in the introduction are some very bad cherry pie jokes and an explanation of how irrational numbers go on "for-ev-ah.")

Anson's made it up to 110+ decimal places. Congratulations, Anson! Notice the new Pi t-shirt.

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