Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

We all know that only the cutest, loveliest, and most flattering of pictures end up on our facebook pages, Christmas cards, and blogs.  Well today that is going to change.  It's been a pretty crazy week here at Casa Ford, and I'm up for some laughs.  So I decided that at least once a week I am going to post a really funny but "thought-I-deleted-that" photo or two.  Be very, very thankful that Russell is the key holder of most photos.

Here's a little something to start us off.

This is how we do it at Sally and Philip's for Christmas.  If you don't participate in the annual Christmas cracker pull, you'll have to deal with Morgan.

Charlotte was having truly wonderful time on the boat this particular Thanksgiving.  I knew the moment I saw this snapshot that she had a lock on the child modeling gig I was hoping for.

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