Monday, February 14, 2011

Love is in the Air

I've been a bad, bad blogger. Actually, I've been a lazy blogger. It's been nice to take some time off of just about everything.

As today is Valentine's Day, I thought I start back up by providing that Barbie update. Did you know that she and Ken actually broke up, but are now back together, just in time for Valentine's Day? Me either. Brush up by reading this article.

I know most of you could care less about Barbie, and I usually don't either, but Charlotte is such a huge fan that Barbie and her alter-egos have become a second family around here.

Also, I just had to write something after a recent visit to Target. I found Charlotte lollygagging in the Barbie aisle. And this is what I saw:

Apparently Mattel rereleased her at Christmastime, and there was one, lone package left on clearance for about $20. Charlotte has this exact Barbie, but the original, from Emma. Doesn't she look like she could be in a Breck commercial?

But more importantly, I came across these new items:

Really? I know Barbie does not exactly have a reputation for being a feminist, but come on!!! Can't we do better than this?

And poor, poor Ken. In an effort to make him cooler, I guess, I saw several new versions of him. I thought the crocheted pants and top we were forcing him to wear were bad, but that was because we had no other choice.

Twilight meets Johnny Depp:

The anti-Justin Bieber hair:

Any guy who wears a t-shirt that claims he is the ultimate boyfriend, is, not. And the fact that you can make him say whatever you want....something tells me the people on the "plastic boyfriend" ad campaign came up with this guy, too.

On a more positive note, the Barbies and Kens are more diverse than ever, so that's a step.

Hope you have a non-plastic loved one to share this day with, be it a mom, dad, sibling, pet, child, friend, or loved one's voice from across the miles!  Love to you all...

1 comment:

Emma Ford said...

Ummmm.... Peaches 'n Cream Barbie came out in 1985? Surely they're mistaken? That would make me... never mind. :-/

Sweet Talkin' Ken is a fantastic idea... although, they're setting little girls up for some major disappointment in their futures.