Friday, January 6, 2012


I can (almost) check one thing off my list of To Dos for January 2012. I'm so excited to have worked through my first organizational project of the year, that I had to share. So if you are less than thrilled about seeing my plastic Christmas storage boxes, move on. Something about putting it in writing makes me feel more accomplished, I guess.


You know when you move and are packing, there are always boxes toward the end of the process with any old thing thrown in, just so you can be finished? A box with the VCR manual, wooden spoon, and the ceramic ashtray you made in elementary school, packed "carefully" with a stuffed animal to keep it from breaking? Well that's how my Christmas boxes usually end up. I am so over Christmas and household chores by the time it comes to pack up, that I don't care how it gets put away, just that it's outta sight.


This year I was determined to organize my Christmas stuff so that I could unpack it bit by bit. Some things I want at the start of the month, some things I don't need until Christmas Day. I've also had the problem that the boxes were too big and too heavy, so that I needed Russell to help me get them in and out of the attic. So I invested in some small boxes, and reused some of the large. The labeling is the key. Nothing fancy, but useful. I'm so proud!

Now, where am I going to fit this stuff? Russell and I both agreed that we didn't think we had many decorations. These shots don't include the bin of ornaments, cookie cutters, or the three 18" high lighted trees and two large bins of lighted garlands for outside. Guess I need to clean out the attic...

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