Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I Used to Be...

I've found myself saying this a lot in 2011.

"Believe it or not, I used to be one of those people who [was]..."

always on time
clean to a fault
grammatically correct
never missed appointments
exercised regularly
sent cards to everyone on their birthdays
responded to phone calls, letters, e-mails, etc. instantaneously
remembered every relative, milestone, or aspect of your life that even you forget sometimes

...and the list goes on.

(BTW, "a good cook" will never be on that list, sorry Russell.)

This year, I'm going to tackle some of those items, and let the rest go. I realized it all changed when I had kids and a bigger house (actually, three houses), and "routine" became a foreign concept. I spend the entire day doing laundry, but don't finish, and then start all over the next day, never officially accomplishing anything or getting closure. It's a lifestyle change that's been hard for me, and even after almost ten years, I'm still an amateur.  But what I've gained is more important that what I've lost.

I'm going to focus on the things that actually make a difference in my life, and therefore those around me. I was talking to friends recently about how fulfilling it is to be able to be a rock, a help, someone people can count on to be there for them or to take care of them, while still letting myself enjoy life, too. And that's been the missing link, me. I've spent a lot of time taking care of other people the last few years, and even spread myself thin on that one to the extent that I'm not doing all I want to for each situation, whether it's that pile of laundry or a a friend's divorce. This year is the year of ME! (Yes, I even feel totally guilty saying that.) But I know it will be a good change for everyone around me.

I still can't stand things out of place, cluttered, or dirty, but I'm going to have to live with a little of that. I hate being late, but trying to get myself and two young ones out the door isn't always smooth sailing (at least I call and tell people I'm running behind!). I'm never more stressed than when I'm worrying about money, no matter the dollar and cents, and this year I'm going to try to let that go a little, too. Don't get me wrong, those traits are an integral part of my personality, but I'm learning to live with a little gray area regarding them.

But getting more organized and decluttered around here will save so much time. Time I could be spending with family and friends, making a decent dinner, exercising (!), pursuing a hobby, relaxing at the lake or beach with Russell, shooting hoops with Anson, coloring with Charlotte, or sending that card to let you know I'm thinking of you, even if I can't call!

I've joked a lot this year about how I've had surgery seven times, and look how healthy I am! Well, although none of those surgeries were cosmetic or related to how I take care of myself, it's reminded me that good health has a ripple effect throughout your life...I'll have more energy, look better, save money, and be more focused.

So although it's cliche, I'm all about getting organized and staying healthy this year! I think that will segue into doing other things I'd like to try in 2012, like some creative projects, travel to see friends and family I haven't seen enough of, and turning 40.

Oh, you say, you're turning 40 this year? Hmmmm...wonder if that has anything to do with this post?

To you all, in 2012, keep working hard, and take some time to enjoy yourself!!!

P.S. I'm signing off to make a casserole for the family of a friend who is in the hospital, and to finish (?!) that laundry. And hope that the Xmas decorations get back into the attic by Valentine's.

1 comment:

Emma Ford said...

This was great... it made me slightly teary! Great pix, as always.

Oh, and keep me in mind if you need a helper one weekend for whatever... or someone to watch (play with) the kids!