Friday, June 15, 2012

The Balsa Gliders

Some of you have heard about a band in which we know most of the members, The Balsa Gliders. As one newspaper wrote, they are the most over-educated band members ever.

Our three friends are an ENT surgeon, Episcopal rector, and lawyer. Not sure what the other three do, but something equally requiring advanced university degrees.

When they are not performing their day jobs, they are huddled in each other's basements or garages like teenagers, working on the band.

We've seen them in concert a number of times, but usually in dark, smokey, 21-and-over only venues. (I should mention that they aren't exactly touring; I think they play about three shows a year.)

Last night they finally played at a family-friendly evening concert series downtown. Unfortunately, we didn't have Anson or Charlotte with us, so the so-called band they hear about will have to remain a mystery.

Charles Marshall (lawyer) is the lead singer, Greg Jones (priest) is the bassist in plaid, and Michael Ferguson (ear, nose, and throat surgeon) in the keyboardist seated in the back left.

As they are all parents in their 40s, their biggest fans last night were the "under 7 crowd," as Charles said when dedicating a song to a small boy who is his neighbor. In fact, one wife of a band member brought poster board and markers, and the kids each made their own sign to wave.

For Russell and me, it was relaxing and fun end to a week filled with luxuries most parents can't afford (financially or time-wise). We saw three movies, ate out every night (even if it was just takeout), and made decisions on a whim. All for the cost of what a babysitter for one night would usually charge. And the quiet...ahhhh...the quiet.

As we left to head home, the sun was only thinking of setting.

Yep, we were home and asleep by 9:30, yes!

Tonight we going to celebrate Russell's 40th birthday, which is actually tomorrow, by having a proper fancy dinner out.

1 comment:

Emma Ford said...

I always feel so lucky that such a hip ENT removed my tonsils!! :-)

And that my rector was a rockstar.

(I'm kind of glad I never needed the lawyer though?)