Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding, Stateside

We didn't actually wake up at 4 am like so many other American fans, but we did wake up early to watch THE wedding. I kept the children home from school, and served up a bit of English-themed food (at least what I could find in the pantry at 6 am, which included scones, tea cookies, and apple juice to look like tea). Thanks to Sue and Graham, we had the perfect napkins!

We snuggled on the couch and watched the procession of royalty ride down the streets and enter the Abbey, and then the ceremony began.

I realized I had not really ever discussed modern royalty with the children, nor had they ever seen a wedding, so it was quite an education for them! When I first told them about the engagement, they thought I was kidding. They honestly did not realize kings and queens were real, and not just something made up for Disney.

During the ceremony, Charlotte decided she needed to dress like a bride, and we pulled out an old Snow Queen Halloween costume and made a bouquet from some faux roses.

As it's Charlotte I'm talking about, she made a wardrobe change when we decided to head to the neighbor's house. (My neighbor had a party starting at 5 am where the guests could wear pajamas and hats.) We decided to go by for the big balcony kiss(es).

Check out this hat that my neighbor Emily made!

You'd have thought that we were royalty ourselves when we arrived at both schools to drop the children off. Staying home, with permission from your parents, to watch TV and eat cookies was pretty cool, and Charlotte even wore her ensemble--gloves, hat, and all--to school.

Anson's teacher told me that just as school started, they turned on the TV in their classroom and were able to see the kiss. Mike's response was, "Is that it? That wasn't very romantic!" Nelie then said, "That's the kind of kiss you give your husband when you get home from work, not when you get married!" They were very disappointed. Then they practiced their royal waves and went on with the day.

All in all, the children responded exactly as I expected...a little awed, a little bored, but found it definitely something out of the ordinary, and memorable. I know they're Americans, but England is a huge part of their heritage. I remember my mother waking me up to see Diana and Charles, and they'll remember this.

1 comment:

Emma Ford said...

Hyacinth and I were up at 3:45am... Just like Charlotte, (as usual) I really wanted to dress up too, but figured it wasn't worth it with Hyacinth as my only company! Besides, at 4am my hair typically resembles some type of natural "fascinator" anyway.

I thought the wedding was fabulous... I was very impressed and even cried a few times. I have to add though.. I laughed every single time I saw the chick that sat behind the queen... WTF was on that girl's head????