Thursday, December 16, 2010

Artsy-Fartsy Snow Day and some BUZZZZZZZZ

We got a sprinkling (literally) of snow last night, but schools were closed. Down south here, people think we close for just about any ridiculously tiny amount of precipitation, which is true, but it's usually related to ice, not snow. Soon after we woke up, the freezing rain began, and with super-low temps, that makes for dangerous roads.

So...what's a mom and two bored kids to do? For breakfast, we chowed on almost all of the gingerbread cookies we made yesterday, with a few more later for snack. Then I subjected them to my all-time favorite Christmas movie, Miracle on 34th Street. I think Anson enjoyed it somewhat because he could get into the plot. Charlotte kept moaning, "BORING! BORING! TOO MUCH TALKING!" Too bad, kids, you had to take than one for the team.

Then we got started on some crafts, one of which will remain super top secret because it relates to some Christmas gifts. Code word: Sabuda. See if you can figure that one out!

The other was a hot, sticky mess of a hot glue project, but it turned out well. Charlotte and I made homemade flower and ribbon headbands and hairclips to give out as favors at her birthday party.

In other art news, here's Emma's painting from the other night. She has some plans to touch it up, but hasn't had a chance. We ran out of time at the class. I love it, too! Just for fun, I'm including a pic again of my painting, as well as the sample one we were learning off of. We all used the same paint, colors, canvas, and brushes. The teacher was really specific, but fun, so we could follow her as closely as we wanted, or go off on our own, like you can see Emma and I did!



Sample (I couldn't enlarge it or it would look too pixelated) painted by our teacher, Marianne Conti Burt:

{OK, I deleted the photo, as the link stopped working.  I guess I need to learn the blogging rules about copying and pasting a photo from another web site, even though I'm sourcing it.  You can go to the Wine and Design web page and click on "Calendar" to see the examples of paintings you can learn.}

Lastly, I am going to brag on my son and tell you he won his class spelling bee (bzzzzzzz) yesterday! That means he will compete against all third, fourth, and fifth graders at his school in the school-wide competition in January. The winning word was "notorious." Awesome job, Anson!!!

By the way, that is Yo Gabba Gabba on the TV in the background. Does anyone else think that is the weirdest show out there for kids right now? I don't get it.

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