Sunday, December 19, 2010

I'm Officially Middle-Aged

As most of you know by now, I had emergency surgery on Friday. Russell took me to the ER in the middle of the night on Thursday, and the doctors found a stone in my gall bladder. So out it went! I have to admit that the pain I started feeling on Thursday evening led me to believe I was a little too liberal with the gingerbread cookies and pizza that day, but as it continued into the night, I realized it was something else entirely.

Did any of you see the Twilight movies? I looked a little like one of the vampires with their unrealistically white faces. Really, I was that pale. In that vein (no pun intended), there will be no photos with this post. :)

The hospital experience was good, all things considered. Although being the chairman's wife and a patient makes you a bit of a museum curiosity. The people staring and poking their heads in to see what I looked like and what was going on did not escape my notice.

Thank you to all of you who have called and e-mailed to check on me. I really appreciate it!

Thanks also to Emma for coming in the wee hours of the morning to babysit the kids and get them to and from school on Friday, which I know from lots of experience can even be a challenge for me.

And to my hubby for showing no fear even though I know he is always imaging the worst. I must say Russell also picked up my great slack over the weekend...all the undone laundry, cleaning, meals, etc. that I was planning on getting done Friday. Now I just sit on the couch and watch him run around, drive and entertain the kids, cook, clean, and all that stuff. Being the control freak that I am, it's painful to watch and not be able to help.

Charlotte and Anson have been brave and sweet. Charlotte has made me at least 10 get well cards, rubs her lovey gently on my tummy to get it better, and snuggles up as much as she can. Anson holds my hands, tells me he loves me, and fetches things for me. I love you two!

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