Friday, December 31, 2010


Russell is working all night, and Charlotte is recovering from a stomach virus. So we are rocking out tonight! Um, not so much. But we did have a really nice day.

Actually, I took the kids to see a matinee of Yogi Bear, and then we came home and tried out my new Just Dance Wii game, which reminded me that I am a really, really bad dancer. Shortly thereafter, Charlotte collapsed into bed, and now Anson and I are going to watch whoever is in charge of the ball drop in NYC. Ryan Seacrest, maybe?

We realized it is well past midnight in England by now, so we wanted to send a hello to 2011 over there!

After spending the day with the kids, I started to think about how grown up they have gotten. In fact, they are pretty tall for their ages, so people are always mistaking them for older. As we head into a new year, I decided to look back and leave us with some shots of the kids when they still had chubby cheeks and baby fat. Awwww...

Hope this is everyone's best year yet! Stay healthy and happy....

Love, Morgan and Anson

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